Outsource customer service or improve customer service?

Top customer service with SpangenbergGroup specialists

We understand that not every organisation is able to organise its customer service optimally and efficiently. How do you ensure that your accessibility and quality meet your customers' needs? Do you deploy your resources effectively and efficiently? Do you outsource customer service or optimise your own customer service? SpangenbergGroup is the specialist in customer service outsourcing and customer service improvement!

SpangenbergGroup improve customer service | outsource customer service

Gewoon hele goede meertalige én multichannel klantenservice. Flexibel met de juiste bezetting op het juiste moment. Altijd goede klantenservice!

Betere interne klantenservice? Wij helpen jouw klantenservice beter functioneren. Met ruim 25 jaar ervaring zorgen wij voor waardevol klantcontact!

Enkele van onze klanten

Heijnen haagplanten
Emma Mattress customer service outsourcing | improve customer service
Outsource KVK customer service | improve customer service
Vtech klantenservice ondersteuning
Fleurop customer service outsourcing | improve customer service
Ziggo customer service outsourcing | improve customer service
Speedcomfort klantenservice ondersteuning
Moowy klantenservice ondersteuning
Pro-idea customer service outsourcing | improving customer service
Tastea customer service outsourcing | improve customer service
Essent customer service outsourcing | improve customer service
Eventgoose customer service outsourcing | improve customer service
Goldner Fashion customer service outsourcing | improving customer service
Maxaro customer service outsourcing | improve customer service
Zibber customer service outsourcing | improve customer service
Diebold Nixdorf customer service outsourcing | improve customer service
Madeleine Fashion outsource customer service | improve customer service
Peter hahn Fashion klantenservice uitbesteden | klantenservice verbeteren
ESNW klantenservice optimalisatie

Free Quickscan!

Snel zicht op verbeter potentieel van jouw KCC of klantenservice?

We hebben meer dan 25 jaar ervaring in klantenservice, inclusief het managen, opzetten én optimaliseren van klantcontact, klanttevredenheid, klantenservice en klantbeleving. Dankzij onze uitgebreide ervaring kunnen we snel verbeterpotentieel identificeren binnen een Klantcontactcentrum. Hierbij richten we ons onder andere op de kwaliteit en kwantiteit van klantcontacten, processen, medewerkers, systemen en andere cruciale factoren.

What SpangenbergGroup offers.

Just good customer service...

Customer contact is something that every organisation has to deal with. It plays an increasing role in differentiating. Want to go that extra mile with just really good customer service? We can help your improve customer service, or you can choose to call customer service to be outsourced. Whatever your customer service challenge, we will help you!

Outsource customer service

Tailor-made multilingual, multichannel and flexible customer service solutions. Do you want carefree (international) growth? A flexible shell or fully outsourced?

Met de flexibele klantenservice ondersteuning van SpangenbergGroep ben jij altijd zeker van gewoon goede klantenservice!

Improve customer service

Someone with lots of experience to look at your customer service and help improve it? Optimising customer service? We can help.

Jouw klantenservice afdeling verbeteren doe je met de klantenservice specialisten van SpangenbergGroep

Improving customer experience

How do your customers experience your services? Which processes could be better tailored to your customers' experience? We help you improve!

Gestroomlijnde processen, tevreden klanten, hogere klanttevredenheid, wij helpen je met snel en blijvend verbeteren!

years of experience
Improve customer service?

Less unnecessary customer contact (waste) and more high-quality customer interactions (value). We help you!

Carefree good customer service

What do you need today to improve your customer service tomorrow? Can we help you with advice and expertise on customer contact, customer service and process optimisation? Or is outsourcing your customer service to us (multilingual, multichannel and flexible) the solution to your customer service challenges? We are ready to help you provide excellent customer service that adds value to your customers' experience. Lower costs and a better customer experience? It can be done!

Lower costs and fewer worries

Well-organised customer service reduces costs because resources are used effectively and efficiently.

Better experience and higher quality

A well-organised customer service ensures a high degree of flexibility, higher quality and better customer experience

Why SpangenbergGroup

We are proud of our family business without external shareholders. Our focus is always on adding long-term value, rather than making short-term profits. Creating opportunities together and therefore growth, that is what we do it for!

Klantenservice uitbesteden of verbeteren?

Customised offer?

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