
Customer acquisition tips: 6 tips to successfully acquire clients yourself

Written on: 10 October 2022 Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

Customer recruiting tips!

Every business struggles at times with bringing in new customers. Based on our experience with Lead Generation, we give you 6 tips on how to engage with the right potential customer. Read our blog on customer acquisition tips:

Customer acquisition tips 1: Define your target audience

To shoot with focus, everything has to be in place. First of all, you need to define your target audience. Who are you going to approach, why, and with what message. To determine a good target group, you can look at your current customers. Where am I successful and why am I so successful there. From there, look at the questions your customers have and find out in which sectors, branches or industries the same is happening. You determine your target group based on the chance of success, is there a need for my product or service within the target group I want to approach. You can also find that out by doing extensive market research. You can also just ask your potential target groups.

Customer acquisition tips 2: Get to know your target audience

After establishing your target audience, it is important that you delve into it. You can handle conversations with potential customers better if you:

  1. Know how hu market works. Who are the players, who are the big boys?
  2. Know what is going on within your target audience. For example, consider major legislative changes or other drastic developments.
  3. Makes sure you know about the industry. What trade terms are used? Who are their customers? What products or services do they offer?

To approach a target market effectively and efficiently, you need to make sure that you are a good interlocutor from the first moment of contact. This means that the person making the first contact with a potential customer knows the potential customer's market and can talk about the challenges they face. If you have not immersed yourself in your target market before the first contact, you quickly fall through and the result of a lead generation campaign is often negative.

Customer acquisition tips 3: Define your message

The target audience is clear. Now it's a matter of bringing your product or service to their attention in such a way that they can't say no to it. You know what is going on in your target groups and you also know what added value your product or service has. You need to get that across. Your product or service must add value for your target group in a certain way. For instance, it solves a problem, makes things easier, is cheaper or adds something in another way. Either way, offering your product or service must be attractive to your target group.

Customer acquisition tips 4: Trial and error

Ultimately, you only know if something works when you have tested it in practice. Despite good preparation, practice may be viest disappointing. Customer acquisition is and remains a matter of trial and error. That is why it is important to keep making constant adjustments during the customer recruitment process. Lessons learned in the first interviews are applied in subsequent interviews. Don't get stuck in a method that doesn't work but make sure you remain flexible and adapt to what you find in practice.

Customer acquisition tips 5: Persistence 1

Acquiring new customers can often work best when you are patient. You will need to invest a lot of time and energy before you can start harvesting. The moment you start generating leads, you will see that this process often yields much more than just leads in the very short term. If the contact moments with potential customers are good, they will be more open to a follow-up conversation, sending more information or giving information about themselves. This is how you get to know your target group and more importantly, they get to know you. If it was a pleasant conversation, they will be more inclined to think of you the next time they are confronted with an issue for which you had a great solution. However, if you don't do the first conversation well and you handle it wrong, they will quickly become allergic to anything to do with you or your organisation. Focus on the long term and not on hit and run.

Customer acquisition tips 6: Persevere 2

Customer acquisition is for the persistent. You will make many calls that may not yield anything at first. You will also face the fact that it is difficult to get hold of the right person. This is why good preparation is essential. If you present yourself as an expert, you will eventually get around the so-called gatekeepers faster. This requires patience and the ability to deal with rejections. Acquiring customers is not like shooting prices, but with good preparation, you can ensure that you do not shoot at a gnat with a hail. Targeting a clear target group with a good message and a long-term view will ultimately bring the best results. Still, there will be days when things don't work out and you want to hang up your headset.

Who are we?

We are SpangenbergGroup! And we can help you make your customer service a good customer service to make. Just good customer service where the basics are in order. Where customer contacts add value to the customer experience. We unburden you in the area we are good at (customer service) so you can concentrate worry-free on what you're good at. Sound good? Get in touch. 

With over 25 years of experience in optimising customer contact and customer experience SpangenbergGroup can help you. The optimise customer service or outsource? Use the form or see our contact page.

Also with other questions about customer contact and customer service you can always contact with us!

Just worry-free very good customer service?

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