
Customer feedback, what is it and what can you do with it?

Written on: 14 March 2023 Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

Customer feedback What is it, what can you do with it and how do you set up an ongoing edge feedback cycle?

Measuring customer satisfaction/customer experience -> Customer feedback

Measuring customer satisfaction often happens within organisations based on internal reasoning. Here, considerations are made which the organisation believes are important. The subsequent research is then done on the basis of these (often incomplete) assumptions. General standards and internal questions/interests form the basis of the measurements. We note that when measuring customer satisfaction, this process should be reversed. It is more important to first gain insight into those aspects that, according to the customer its satisfaction.Next, a measurement should look at the extent to which the standard set by customers is met. Through a survey that takes this approach as a starting point, a the real customer satisfaction/customer experience are identified and improved. Outsourcing this process can ensure the objectivity needed for this.

How to collect customer feedback?

The power of a well-designed KTO is that it gives you immediate concrete tools to improve satisfaction. This therefore requires a method that not only registers, but also identifies the backgrounds and motivation. A recording survey may show that customers rate customer-friendliness as inadequate. That fact in itself has no leverage to improve customer friendliness. What matters is the background: what determines in it whether a customer experiences something as customer-friendly or not. A feedback loop is essential for any positive learning curve. With the feedback coming from the KTO, we need to enter a second research phase. Namely, the phase where we will test the customer's feedback for accuracy and effectiveness. For example, if the customer gives the feedback to answer the phone in a different way, we test this by having some of the staff answer the phone in a different way and measure the difference in customer satisfaction between the two groups. If this is indeed significantly better than the group that still works in the old way, then the KTO result is proven right. Only then can you really start working to improve customer-friendliness. This is how it should be with all themes in a KTO.

Measuring customer feedback online?

Online surveying often seems like an inexpensive means of surveying larger samples. The problem with online surveys is that it often ignores the why question. You could describe an online survey as a recording survey where little or no background or motives are captured. It allows you to quickly present larger groups with a questionnaire and thus, very specific, reliable statements.

measuring customer feedback by phone!

The purpose of a customer satisfaction survey is through a representative survey, identify customer satisfaction and create tools to improve it. Measuring customer satisfaction by telephone allows you to engage with your customer and send a signal that customer input is important. So a telephone survey is not only registering, but also provides background information that can be used to look at business processes that affect satisfaction positively or negatively. The difference between online and telephone measurement is that the results of a telephone survey provide more background information. Telephone surveys give you an answer to the question "Yes but why?". The "why" then allows you to improve things because, in addition to a what also a how have.

Ongoing customer feedback

Customer satisfaction is not a project. Customer satisfaction is a process that should be ongoing where, with a customer feedback survey, you also keep your finger on the pulse of your business processes on an ongoing basis. The advantage of small-scale continuous measurement is that the effect of improvements also becomes immediately visible. It quickly becomes visible which efforts lead to which results, so that a higher customer appreciation can also be achieved much faster. In other words; the feedback loop required is shorter and can be processed faster.

Who are we?

We are SpangenbergGroup! And we can help you make your customer service a good customer service to make. Just good customer service where the basics are in order. Where customer contacts add value to the customer experience. We unburden you in the area we are good at (customer service) so you can concentrate worry-free on what you're good at. Sound good? Get in touch. 

With over 25 years of experience in optimising customer contact and customer experience SpangenbergGroup can help you. The optimise customer service or outsource? Use the form or see our contact page.

Also with other questions about customer contact and customer service you can always contact with us!

Just worry-free very good customer service?

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