
Poor customer service: 7 consequences of poor customer service

Written on: 27 July 2023
Slechte klantenservice. Poor customer service

Poor customer service...

We all have to deal with it from time to time. Bad customer service... But what exactly is it and what are the consequences for you as a business? What is bad customer service? Customer service can be considered bad if it does not meet customers' expectations. We find that very annoying. Often, it is itself a reason to not want to order from a particular company again. We often tell our experiences to others and so poor customer service can create negative perceptions. The other way around is also true. Good customer service makes for a good customer experience. You can read more about that here.

De 7 gevolgen van slechte klantenservice:

  1. Klantenverlies:
  2. Reduced customer satisfaction
  3. Reputatieschade
  4. Verminderde omzet
  5. Hogere kosten
  6. Verlies van nieuwe klanten
  7. Juridische gevolgen

When is bad customer service?

  • Lack of availability: if customer service is not available when customers need help, this can be considered bad. For example, if customer service is only available during business hours when customers expect 24/7 support.
  • Long waiting times: if customers have to wait a long time before they can speak to a customer service representative, this can be considered bad. Customers expect quick answers to their queries and problems.
  • Rude or unhelpful employees: if customer service employees are rude or unhelpful, this can be considered bad. Customers expect employees to be friendly, empathetic and knowledgeable.
  • No solution to problems: if customers contact customer service with a problem and staff do not offer a solution, this can be considered bad. Customers expect their problems to be solved quickly and effectively.
  • Poor communication: if customer service employees are unable to communicate clearly or have language barriers, this can be considered poor. Customers expect to be able to communicate effectively with customer service employees.

In short, customer service is considered poor when it fails to meet customers' expectations in terms of availability, waiting times, staff, problem resolution and communication.

Why do we bother with poor customer service?

People often resent poor customer service because it annoys them experience with the company affects. When customers have a problem and contact customer service, they expect their issue to be resolved quickly and effectively. If customer service does not meet these expectations and does not treat customers appropriately, it can lead to frustration, dissatisfaction and loss of trust in the company.

Poor customer service can also lead to reputational damage for the company. Customers often talk to others about their experiences, both positive and negative. If customers have bad customer service experiences, they may share these experiences through social media, online reviews or word of mouth, which can lead to a negative reputation for the company and the loss of potential customers.

In addition, poor customer service can also lead to lost sales. Customers may decide to stop doing business with a company if they have had bad experiences with customer service. In some cases, customers may even take legal action if they feel they have not been treated properly.

In short, Poor customer service can have serious consequences for the company, including reputational damage, customer loss and reduced sales. It is therefore important for companies to take their customer service seriously and ensure a positive customer experience.

7 consequences of poor customer service

Poor customer service can have serious consequences for a company and its relationship with its customers. Below, I describe 7 consequences of poor customer service:

  1. Customer loss: When customers have a bad experience with customer service, they may decide not to do business with the company anymore. They may also leave negative reviews and warn others not to do business with the company.
  1. Reduced customer satisfaction: Poor customer service can lead to customer dissatisfaction and can lead to loss of trust in the company.
  1. Reputation damage: Customers often talk about their experiences, both positive and negative. Bad customer service experiences can spread quickly and lead to a negative reputation for the company.
  1. Reduced sales: Customers who are not satisfied and no longer want to do business with the company lead to a reduction in the company's sales and profits.
  1. Costs: Poor customer service can also incur additional costs, such as refunds, exchanges or repairs.
  1. Loss of new customers: New customers can also be put off by poor reviews and reputation, resulting in loss of new customers and growth opportunities.
  1. Legal implications: In some cases, poor customer service can lead to legal problems, for example if customers are misled or cheated by the company.

In short poor customer service can lead to reduced sales, reputational damage, costs, customer loss, reduced customer satisfaction, loss of new customers and even legal consequences. It is therefore essential for companies to provide good customer service and ensure customer satisfaction.

How to provide good customer service

Providing good customer service is essential for retaining customers and building a positive reputation for the company. The outsourcing of customer service to specialised companies can be a solution. Below are some tips for providing good customer service:

  • Beschikbaarheid: Zorg ervoor dat de klantenservice beschikbaar is wanneer klanten hulp nodig hebben. Bied verschillende manieren van communicatie, zoals telefoon, e-mail, chat, social media en zorg ervoor dat klanten snel antwoord krijgen.
  • Train en investeer in medewerkers: Zorg ervoor dat medewerkers die betrokken zijn bij klantenservice goed zijn opgeleid, deskundig en empathisch zijn. Investeer in hun training en geef hen de tools en middelen die ze nodig hebben om klanten effectief te kunnen helpen.
  • Make customer satisfaction a priority: Make sure customer satisfaction is always a priority. Listen to customer feedback and take action to solve problems and improve customer experience.
  • Handle clear policies: Make sure policies are clear and transparent. Make them available to customers and make sure employees can explain and apply them.
  • Offer quick and effective solutions: Ensure that customers are helped to solve problems quickly and effectively. Offer different solutions and help customers find the best solution for their needs.
  • Be proactive: Proactively contact customers to inform them of problems or delays. Let them know that the company is committed to improving their experience.
  • Let customers know they are appreciated: Let customers know they are appreciated and thank them for their business. Offer discounts, rewards and other incentives to encourage customers to come back.

In short, good customer service is essential for retaining customers and building a positive reputation for the company. Companies can achieve this through availability, employee training, prioritising customer satisfaction, clear policies, quick and effective solutions, pro activity and customer appreciation.

Hulp nodig bij het realiseren van goede klantenservice?

Soms lukt het niet om de klantenservice echt goed op de rit te krijgen. De juiste mensen op het juiste moment, het realiseren van goede kwaliteit en bereikbaarheid. Gewoon good customer service is niet altijd makkelijk. Wij kunnen je helpen! Met onze gratis Quickscan brengen we snel verbeterpotentieel in kaart. Daarnaast kunnen we helpen met improve waarbij ook (gedeeltelijk) outsource van multilingual en multichannel klantenservice een mogelijkheid is.

Who are we?

We are SpangenbergGroup! And we can help you make your customer service a good customer service to make. Just good customer service where the basics are in order. Where customer contacts add value to the customer experience. We unburden you in the area we are good at (customer service) so you can concentrate worry-free on what you're good at. Sound good? Get in touch. 

With over 25 years of experience in optimising customer contact and customer experience SpangenbergGroup can help you. The optimise customer service or outsource? Use the form or see our contact page.

Also with other questions about customer contact and customer service you can always contact with us!

Just worry-free very good customer service?

Get in touch, we'd love to check it out with you!

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