
What do Dutch people expect from customer service? Typical Dutch customer service expectations

Written on: 16 January 2024
Typical Dutch customer service

Typical Dutch customer service expectations

We have written some blogs on the differences between customer service in the Netherlands, Germany and France. Today we focus on Dutch people's expectations of customer service. This is relevant for companies offering products or services in the Netherlands, where customer service is key. The approach to customers often differs by country, so to be successful nationally or internationally, it is important to adapt to local expectations as much as possible.

1. Directness and Clarity

The Dutch are known for their directness. Non-Dutch people sometimes find this communication style downright rude or disrespectful. When offering customer service in the Netherlands, it is essential to understand direct and clear communication. Dutch people appreciate knowing where they stand and have little patience for unclear, indirect, or meaningless answers.

2. Waiting times

The Dutch are always busy and have little patience for customer service waiting times. A company with long waiting times is seen as poorly organised. Make sure Dutch customers preferably do not have to wait too long.

3. Multilingualism

The Dutch are generally fairly multilingual. Unlike in neighbouring countries, it is increasingly normal that, for example, no Dutch is spoken at all in catering establishments. While French or German customers expect to be helped in their own language, this is a less important issue for Dutch customers.

4. Customer focus

The well-known Dutch saying goes, "The customer is king". This reflects how a Dutchman expects to be treated.

5. Digital Innovation

The Netherlands is fairly progressive in the use of new technology. Dutch customers expect customer service to respond accordingly, to be available on all relevant channels, and chat to become increasingly normal. The Dutch often use several channels interchangeably.

6. Complaint handling

Typical Dutch customer service? If a Dutch person is dissatisfied, you will notice. Quick negative reviews and, in extreme cases, even legal action are not uncommon. In line with "The customer is king", Dutch people are quick to take the initiative if they do not feel they are treated as such.


The Dutch appreciate directness and expect customer service that is designed accordingly. Clarity is essential; do not promise things you cannot definitely deliver. Dutch customers like to use various channels and expect customer service to adapt to their preferences. Delivered tomorrow really means tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow. Understanding these expectations is crucial for providing successful customer service in the Netherlands. Need help with your international customer service? Challenge us.

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