Get your free Customer Contact Strategy sample PDF here. Use it as a basis or for inspiration.
SpangenbergGroup has now been a customer service specialist for over 25 years. We have extensive experience in setting up, managing and improving customer service organisations and departments.
We are passionate about optimising the customer experience where we believe customer contact plays a central role. It's very easy, make sure you design your business processes so that customers don't need to contact you if that conversation has no value! On the other hand, make sure you design your customer service so that if a customer contacts you, that that contact moment in itself makes a positive contribution to the customer experience.
No unnecessary customer contact, but valuable customer contact. That is what we stand for and what we work hard on every day with our clients.
Carefree great customer service? Multilingual, multichannel and mega flexible customer service? We arrange it for you. Grow and your customer service grows with you. Even internationally!
We help you improve your customer service. Customer-centric processes. Less unnecessary and more valuable customer contact + better customer experience. We help you with that!
How do your customers experience your services? Can you better tune your customer experience or your customers' needs? We make it transparent and help you improve the customer experience!
Specialists in customer contact
Randwycksingel 20 (C03)
6229 EE Maastricht
T: +31 (0) 85 8884661
Wondering if we can help you with just good customer contact? Also your outsource customer service? Take contact with us!