Handling customer contacts effectively, efficiently and professionally can be challenging, but it is a valuable marketing tool. As a solution to this issue, you might consider outsourcing your customer service. With outsourcing, you place part or all of the business process with a specialised party. Discover here How this works, with a focus on customer service. We, SpangenbergGroep.nl, offer tailor-made, flexible customer service solutions. Always tailored to your specific issues, multilingual, multichannel and highly flexible. In short: Outsource customer service? We guarantee carefree and high-quality customer service that enhances the value of your customer experience!
Don't (always) manage to speak to customers the way you would like? We can help you just really good customer service. We have several ways we can support you. The needs of our clients are central. The customer service you want for your customers without worries? We can make that happen for you! With customer service outsourcing to SpangenbergGroup, you simply have very good customer service.
Full international, multilingual customer service under 1 roof! NL, DE, FR and EN as standard! International business without worries.
All relevant contact channels we support. Call, mail, chat, socials, ticketing, etc. Completely unburdened and flexible! Everything under one roof. How convenient!
Your own customer-service team but remotely. Flexible and experienced. Carefree very good customer service!
A permanent team with several employees. Great customer service also for small businesses or when things are quiet!
We stand for high quality in customer contact. High-quality and valuable contact with (potential) customers
Always the right staffing. Especially when it is extremely busy or quiet, customer service is always easily accessible! Very convenient.
Scale up, scale down, additional languages or extended opening hours. With outsourcing, you get a mega flexible customer service!
With our customer service, you ensure higher customer satisfaction. We help you tailor your services to your customers!
Experience and economies of scale reduce customer service costs. More options at lower costs!
Valuable contact moments, good accessibility and distinctive customer service without worries!
SpangenbergGroup has been the customer service specialist for more than 25 years. But why outsource your customer service to us?
We offer a unique combination of services to our clients. On the one hand, we completely take care of customer service worries, while on the other hand we actively contribute to the continuous improvement of services to your customers.
Besides managing our own customer service organisation, we also support with customer service optimisation projects. With these projects, we focus on improving customer service and related departments. This is what makes us truly unique. We not only provide customer service, but we keep improving it continuously!
Every customer service department is different. The challenges of each customer service department are also different. Therefore, when outsourcing customer service, it is important to have enough options to adapt the way of outsourcing to the situation. We have several options for this
Not every organisation has its own customer service department. Then it may be to outsource full customer service. We have a fully equipped customer service department with the right people, systems and knowledge. This way, you can provide very good customer service without your own internal customer service department. Flexible, multilingual and multichannel!
Organisations with their own customer service are not always able to provide the service they want. We can solve that with partial outsourcing. For example, as a flexible shell, overflow or at certain times. We can also, for example, support language areas that are difficult or impossible to support internally. We take on what cannot be done internally (for a while)!
Besides full or partial outsourcing, we offer customised customer contact solutions. These can range from temporary support to outbound campaigns and surveys. We will gladly take up your customer contact challenges for you and are experienced in all aspects of customer contact. Challenge us with your issues!
Get in touch with us! We are happy to take a look. You can also use our online quotation tool. Then we immediately have all the info we need to make a customised quote for you. You can find it here
The cost depend on all kinds of variables such as languages, channels and opening hours. We can bill by the hour or by interaction. Just really great customer service remains customised for us.
We are happy to look at a suitable solution in each specific situation. The cost of our services is often lower than the cost of in-house customer service. Especially considering the high degree of flexibility and the options we offer.
Based on a short introductory meeting, we can determine which solution is appropriate in your case and what the cost would be. You already have customer service support for a few hundred euros a month!
Read here a more comprehensive blog on the cost of outsourcing customer service
Ask for your tailor-made offer to. You will then have it in your mailbox within 48 hours!
Specialists in customer contact
Randwycksingel 20 (C03)
6229 EE Maastricht
T: +31 (0) 85 8884661
Wondering if we can help you with just good customer contact? Also your outsource customer service? Take contact with us!