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De Belangrijkste KPI's in Klantenservice:

De Belangrijkste KPI’s in Klantenservice. Wat zijn KPI’s en waarom zijn ze belangrijk?

KPI's in klantenservice: Cijfers als basis voor inzicht en verbeteringen In de klantenservice business is...
First time fix: What is it and how do you improve it? +10 tips!

First time fix: What is it and how do you improve it? +10 tips!

What is First Time Fix (FTF)? A Definition First Time Fix (FTF), also known as...
The Importance of Good Telephone Reachability for SMEs?

The importance of good telephone accessibility for SMEs: Why outsourcing is a smart solution

The importance of good telephone accessibility for SMEs SMEs, the engine of the...
Customer service outsourcing webshop: The importance of good customer service for webshops and why outsourcing is the key to success

Customer service outsourcing webshop: The importance of good customer service for webshops and why outsourcing is the key to success

Customer service outsourcing webshop: The importance of good customer service for webshops and why outsourcing is the key...
Outsource customer service or do it yourself? The advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing customer service or doing it yourself.

Outsource customer service or do it yourself? The advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing customer service or doing it yourself.

Outsource customer service or do it yourself? We all know that customer service is an important part of...
Flexible shell in customer service. Optimising customer service with flexibility when needed

The power of flexible shell in customer service: Optimising the flexible shell

The power of flexible envelope in customer service: Optimising flexible envelope Eem (external)...
Deepdive: The Psychology of Customer Satisfaction. What psychological aspects play a role in customer satisfaction?

Deepdive: The Psychology of Customer Satisfaction. What psychological aspects play a role in customer satisfaction?

Deepdive: The Psychology of Customer Satisfaction. What psychological aspects play a role in customer satisfaction? Customer satisfaction is...
Download Free: Customer contact strategy example

Download free customer contact strategy sample PDF

Download free customer contact strategy sample PDF By popular demand, we have written a basic customer contact strategy. To...
Training customer service staff

Customer service staff training: The importance of continuous training and development of customer service employees

Customer service staff training: The importance of continuous training and development of customer service employees In today's competitive...
The relationship between customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction.

The relationship between customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction. Why the 1 reinforces the other

The relationship between customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction. Why the 1 reinforces the other In the world...
Why quantitative reports are indispensable in customer service?

Why quantitative reporting is indispensable in customer service? Drive and improve based on figures

Why quantitative reporting is indispensable in customer service? Drive and improve based on numbers
What is blended customer service outsourcing

Customer service outsourcing: What is blended customer service outsourcing?

What is blended customer service outsourcing? To start with our definition of blended customer service support:...
The Psychological impact of poor customer service

The Psychological impact of poor customer service

The Psychological impact of poor customer service We often talk about customer service and have both...
Dedicated customer service support

Customer service outsourcing: What is dedicated customer service outsourcing?

What is dedicated customer service support? To start with our definition of dedicated customer service support:...
How do you set up good customer service?

How do you set up good customer service?

How do you set up good customer service? Discover the Benefits of Outsourcing Setting up a...

Why invest in your customer service? 5 investments that deliver more than they cost

Why investing in your customer service will lead to cost reductions In many customer service environments, there is still...
The psychology of expectation management in customer service

The psychology of expectation management in customer service

Psychology: Managing Expectations in Customer Relationships (expectation management) In the world of customer relationships, one...
Optimise availability of information and knowledge with AI Chatbots

Optimise availability of information and knowledge with AI

AI tools as an internal knowledge base? In customer service environments, having the right...
external advisor

5 benefits of an external consultant

The real advantage of an external consultant: A fresh and experienced view without blind spots
Typical Dutch customer service

What do Dutch people expect from customer service? Typical Dutch customer service expectations

Typical Dutch customer service expectations We have written some blogs on the differences between customer service in...
Customer feedback loop

The Importance of Customer Feedback and how to do it?

The importance of customer feedback? But why? Customer feedback is important for any type. Your customers ask...
Peaks and troughs in customer service

How do you deal with Peaks and Troughs in customer service?

Peaks and troughs in customer service? Balance in Customer Service: How to deal with...

Customer service trends of 2023: What can we learn for the future?

Customer service trends of 2023: What can we learn for the future? It seems like we are...

Chatbots and AI in Customer Service

Chatbots and AI in Customer Service In the rapidly changing world of customer service, chatbots have...
International Customer Service: 4 Challenges and Solutions

International Customer Service: 4 Challenges and Solutions

International Customer Service: 4 Challenges and Solutions Growing internationally is the ambition of many entrepreneurs and...
SpangenbergGroup improve customer service | outsource customer service

Why customer centricity is not obsolete.

The Indispensability of Customer Focus: Why 'Putting Customer First' Is Far from Obsolete In an era...
SpangenbergGroup is PCI certified

SpangenbergGroup achieves PCI DDS Certification

SpangenbergGroup has successfully passed the PCI DSS certification test. We meet everything international requirements
What does customer service outsourcing cost? All customer service outsourcing costs transparent!

What does customer service outsourcing cost? All customer service outsourcing costs transparent!

What does outsourcing cost? All customer service outsourcing costs transparent! The economies of scale of outsourcing customer service and... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

Customer Service in the E-commerce Sector: The Secret Behind Successful Online Stores

The e-commerce sector has grown exponentially in recent years, revolutionising how...
How customer service outsourcing works

Customer Service Outsourcing: How does outsourcing work?

Customer Service Outsourcing: So how does customer service outsourcing actually work? With outsourcing customer... Customer service outsourcing and customer service improvement

The 10 most common customer service mistakes? Read what often goes wrong here.

The 10 most common customer service mistakes? Find out what often goes wrong here....

Customer service quick-wins! Quick improvement with these 6 Quickwins

Customer service quick-wins! Fast improvement with these 6 Quickwins Customer service quick-wins, we'll help you with 6...

Optimising customer service waiting times: How to avoid frustration? +5 tips!

Waiting times are one of the most frustrating aspects of telephone customer service. Customers usually have little...

Optimising customer service waiting times: How to avoid frustration? +5 tips!

Customer service waiting times are one of the most frustrating aspects of telephone customer service. Customers usually have... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

Outsourcing: The solution to customer service staff shortages

Many companies are facing a growing problem: staff shortages. Finding qualified staff can...
5 Effective Tips for Dealing with Angry Customers

5 Effective Tips for Dealing with Angry Customers

5 Effective Tips for Dealing with Angry Customers In customer service, we unfortunately have...
10 Customer service improvement tips

10 Tips for Better Customer Service! Customer service improvement tips in a row.

10 customer service improvement tips! Good customer service is important. When, as an organisation, you get your customer service right...
The 8 biggest customer service differences between French and Dutch customers!

The 8 biggest customer service differences between French and Dutch customers!

The 8 biggest customer service differences between French and Dutch customers! In an increasingly... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

Improve customer experience? Read here why you might want to

Improve customer experience? What is customer experience: In short, customer experience stands...
The 7 biggest customer service differences between Dutch and German customers!

The 7 biggest customer service differences between Dutch and German customers!

The 7 biggest customer service differences between Dutch and German customers! We all know...

7 links between Customer Experience and Customer Service

7 Links between Customer Experience and Customer Service We have written many blogs on customer service and customer experience.... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

7 Effective customer service strategies for improving customer service in your business

7 Effective customer service strategies for improving customer service in your business Customer service... Many have... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

6 traits of good customer service department!

A good customer service department has these 6 traits! What characteristics does a good customer service department have?...
8 skills of a good customer service representative

8 skills for a good customer service representative

A good customer service representative has at least these skills! There are a lot of people working in the Netherlands... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

Outsourcing globally the norm! 62% outsources!

Majority of companies do it! 62% of companies (partially) outsource customer service....
Poor customer service: 7 consequences of poor customer service

Poor customer service: 7 consequences of poor customer service

Bad customer service... We all have to deal with it from time to time. Bad customer service... But what... Customer service outsourcing and customer service improvement

Customer service outsourcing Pitfalls: 6 pitfalls to avoid!

We now have over 20 years of experience performing customer service work for external...
Why outsource customer service

Why outsource customer service? Read why you should outsource customer service here!

Why outsource customer service? Outsourcing customer service generally creates synergy effects that allow... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

Customer service marketing: customer service as a marketing tool

Customer service is not part of the traditional marketing mix. The question is at all in... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

All about multichannel customer service + 4 free tips!

Multichannel customer service, what exactly does that mean? In customer service, we often talk about... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

What is an inbound call?

At Spangenberg Group, we provide customer service for several companies from small to large. Among other things, we provide... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

Completely unburdened? A brief explanation of what we mean by that!

We believe in the value of high-quality customer contact. Customer contact that adds value to...
Outsource customer service for SME, Webshop or start-up? Outsource customer service even for low volumes!

Outsource customer service for SME, Webshop or start-up? Outsource customer service even for low volumes!

Outsource customer service for SME, Webshop or start-up? Outsource customer service even at low volumes! Earlier, we wrote about... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

More than 20 years of experience? What good does that do us?

Over 20 years of experience? A brief explanation of what we mean by that: Just that... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

Successful together? What do we mean by that?

We are a family business with a long-term focus. Not on successes or... Outsource customer service | Improve customer contact

Customer service outsourcing benefits at a glance!

Customer service outsourcing benefits! In this blog on Customer service outsourcing: The benefits, we discuss...
what is a customer contact strategy and why is a customer contact strategy important?

What is a customer contact strategy and why is it important?

What is a customer contact strategy? Our definition of a customer contact strategy: The strategic principles regarding...
What is customer-friendliness? our definition of customer-friendliness

What is customer-friendliness? All about customer-friendliness here!

What is customer-friendliness? To start with the definition of customer-friendliness: Customer-friendliness refers to taking into account... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

The ultimate customer experience. What is that and how do you achieve it?

Ultimate customer experience? We have previously written about what customer experience is. What is the ultimate customer experience?... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

Customer Contact Centre (CCC): What is it and why is it an important department

Customer contact centre KCC Customer contact is becoming an increasingly important marketing tool. Organisations and institutions...
Why does good customer experience start with good customer contact?

Customer contact centre? What is it and what does it do?

What is the Customer Contact Centre? Our definition:The Customer Contact Centre is the department within an organisation where... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

Interview online retailer: Customer service as a valuable marketing tool

Customer service as a valuable marketing tool Customer contact is still generally seen too much as a... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

Up to 25% outbound conversion with outbound service!

We do ongoing outbound service calls for several web shops and mail order companies. Did you know that with... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

Customer feedback, what is it and what can you do with it?

Customer feedback What is it, what can you do with it and how do you set up an ongoing edge feedback... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

Customer satisfaction how and what: measuring customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction how and what: measuring customer satisfaction We know what customer satisfaction is. Now the question is... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

Customer satisfaction how and what: Customer satisfaction improvement tips (9x)

Customer satisfaction improvement tips We have listed 9 simple customer satisfaction improvement tips for you.... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

Customer satisfaction how and what: Improving customer satisfaction!

Customer satisfaction how and what: improving customer satisfaction? Many organisations want to do something with customer satisfaction but know... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

Customer satisfaction how and what: What is customer satisfaction?

Customer satisfaction is an important issue in many organisations and institutions. But what is customer satisfaction really...
5 Customer experience tips for less customer contact and better customer experience!

5 customer experience tips for less customer contact and better customer experience!

5 customer experience tips for less customer contact and better customer experience! We do a lot of customer surveys. Every time it turns out... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

How outbound calling does work?

How outbound calling does work? Higher conversion through service instead of sales Call centres and... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

Poor accessibility is more expensive than you might think

Poor accessibility, what does it cost? The importance of good accessibility is well known. But what does it cost...
Why does good customer experience start with good customer contact? Why does good customer experience start with good customer contact?

Why customer experience starts with good customer contact!

Why customer experience starts with good customer contact It seems to be the new holy grail in marketing:... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

Call to action: where online and offline come together

Call to action: where online and offline come together Most online trends are set... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

Shooting with focus; How inbound and outbound lead generation come together effectively

Shooting with focus; How inbound and outbound lead generation come together effectively Virtually every organisation... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

Adjusting opening hours: Why match opening hours to customers' needs

Changing opening hours: 5 reasons to make sure you are accessible to your customers, right... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

Webshop accessibility? Here's what you need to know about reachability

Webshop? This is what you need to know about webshop reachability and your webshop customer service It... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

All about customer focus: What does customer focus deliver?

What does customer-centric work deliver? "And what does that cost?"... a good question. Yet can... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

All about customer focus: Practical Customer Focus! Customer focus in practice

All about customer centricity: Practical customer centricity. Putting the customer first, the customer is king, the customer... Customer service outsourcing and customer service improvement

All about customer focus: The importance of Customer Focus?

The Importance of Customer Centricity So why is it important? What is the importance of customer centricity?....
What is customer centricity. Our definition of customer centricity

All about customer focus: What is customer focus?

What is customer centricity? Our definition of customer centricity: Customer centricity is the extent to which an organisation meets the... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

Customer acquisition tips: 6 tips to successfully acquire clients yourself

Customer acquisition tips! Every business struggles at times with bringing in new customers....
improving customer-friendliness tips

Improve customer-friendliness tips? These 8 tips will help you get started right away

8 tips to easily improve your customer-friendliness Customer-friendliness is important. Earlier, we wrote a... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

Retaining customers? Read how to do it here!

Retaining customers? Read how to do it here! Marketing lesson 1: retaining customers is many... Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

Improving customer contact: Why and how?

Improving customer contact? Why you should and how to get started. Every organisation gets...
What is customer experience. The definition of customer experience

What is customer experience? The definition of customer experience and why it matters!

What is customer experience? The definition of customer experience and why it matters! What is customer experience ...
The importance of good reachability? 7 reasons to make sure you offer good reachability when your customers want it.

The importance of good accessibility

The importance of good accessibility? 7 reasons to make sure you offer good accessibility Outsource customer service | Optimise customer service | Improve customer contact

Why do my customers call so often?

Why do my customers call so often? 5 tips to reduce your call traffic AND increase your...