
Chat service outsourcing quote

Get your customer service outsourcing quote right here!

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We provide customised services. However, based on a number of questions, we can draw up an initial customer service outsourcing quote fairly quickly. If that quote is of interest to you, we can schedule an orientation meeting to discuss whether any adjustments are needed. On weekdays, you will receive a customised quote for your customer service solution within 24 hours!

Quick view of improvement opportunities?

Free Quickscan

Sometimes it's useful to have someone to take a look with you, someone with years of experience who takes a fresh look at your customer service. SpangenbergGroep's Customer Service QuickScan gives you insight into how your customer service is functioning and where you can start optimising it.

We analyse the main themes and bottlenecks within each customer service area, as well as specific themes related to your business. The aim of the QuickScan is to identify the gap between the desired situation and the current situation. After mapping, we provide advice on the steps to be taken to achieve the desired situation